Without Stan Lee…
I would have never had the imagination I did as a child. His characters were jet fuel to my developing mind and helped teach me right from wrong.
I would have never been dubbed “Class Picasso” in High School. His comics gave me an appreciation for visual storytelling and introduced me to the visual arts.
I would have never gone to Pratt and pursued my dream of actually making a living as a visual designer. The connection between comics and design and storytelling remains strong.
I might have never developed a taste for motorcycles, leather jackets and the occasional cigar. Wolverine’s character left a lasting impression on me.
I would have never had the bond I have with my two boys — now teenagers. Marvel movies and characters became an instant shared bond that we have until this day.
I might view life differently. Most of his heroes were distinctly flawed. As well-intentioned as they were — they were just as human as they were hero.
I would probably be more serious — the movies that brought his characters to the big screen make me remember what it was like to be a kid and have that sense of wonder.
I don’t know if I’d be the person I am today…
Rest well Stan and thank you for everything. Excelsior for eternity.